Book review – Undelivered letters

Title : Undelivered letters

Author:   J. Alchem
Genre: Fiction, contemporary, short stories
Format: Kindle edition

undelivered letters

Story: The story starts with Aron getting to know a box having the posts that are supposed to be delivered by him 20 years back. He wants to have the letters delivered to the rightful owner even if its late. Will it hold the same value even after these many years?

My thoughts: It is such a short, simple & heartwarming read. This Kindle edition I read has three posts delivered & the story behind the deliverers. Each one is different from the other, character wise & emotional wise.
Some books tell us beautiful stories and this is one among them.
P.S. Author stated the rest of the stories behind the posts will be written when the book is released and I’m eagerly waiting for it.

Get yours – Amazon

Book review: Confess

Title: Confess

Author: Colleen Hoover
Series: No

Cover love:
I’ve the movie tie in edition of the book which looks gorgeous.


Genre: Romance, Contemporary Fiction, New Adult
Published by: Atria Books
Pages: 306
Format: Paperback
Place: US

Story: Auburn lands in a job in an artist studio which is owned by Owen while she is searching one for some extra money for paying her lawyer. Both Auburn & Owen’s past life threatens their new found relationship. Auburn is put into a situation where she’s to lose one of the two important relationships in her life. And how she manages it, is the remaning story.

Characters:  I love both Owen & Auburn very much. Owen is a wonderful boyfriend to have when life parts apart because you know he’s the one who can help you put everything together. ❤

My thoughts: This book is totally awesome. It's stolen my heart from the first page. The confessions & portraits are amazing and its a gripping read.
I would recommend everyone to read this book, feel their pain & rejoice in their happiness.

My rating: 5 stars

My Confession – This is my first Colleen Hoover book & she has become one of the favorite authors of mine. I love her very much & I'm going to read all her booksssss….. ❤ ❤ ❤

Buy it here:



Book review: The girl you left behind

Title: The girl you left behind

Author: Jojo Moyes
Cover love:
The book cover is exquisite to the story.

The girl you left behind cover

Genre: Historical fiction
Published by:
Format: Paperback
Pages: 516

Place: France during World War 1 and present day London. This novel connects present and past in a tale of love & war.

In “The girl you left behind” two young women, separated by a century, were united in their determination to fight for the thing they love most – whatever the cost. The author tried to draw parallels between the main characters Sophie & Liv by switching back(1917) and forth(2007).
Edouard left his wife Sophie and went to fight for his country. He was taken into custody by the enemy. When the town came into German’s control, the new Kommandant had taken interest with the Edouard’s portrait of Sophie’s. Sophie did whatever she could in the hope of seeing her husband.
Nearly a century later, Sophie’s portrait was given to Liv by her young husband shortly before his sudden death. By Hague Convention for the recovery of art stolen during wartime, Sophie’s descendants have decided to reclaim the painting from Liv’s possession. A history that was going to repeat which would turn Liv’s life upside down all over again . . .

My favorite character is Sophie. She is really brave and tough outside and little scared inside. Even though Liv felt the connection with Sophie and tried to do best for her, I like Sophie’s part of the story.

My rating : 5 stars

My thoughts:

The story was truly beautiful and the author’s passion made us feel the emotions along with them. I loved this beautifully crafted book. The author did an amazing job and I’d totally recommend it to people who’d prefer inspiring & lovely historical fiction.

What are you waiting for? There’s a link below for you to order:

Amazon      Flipkart

Review : Confessions of a Shopaholic

Title: Confessions of a Shopaholic
Series: Yes.The first in the popular Shopaholic series.

Author: Sophie Kinsella

Genre: Contemporary Fiction, Humor, Chick-lit, Adult
Published by: Black swan
Pages: 319
Format: Paperback
Place: London, England

Cover love:
I’ve the movie tie in edition of the book which looks lovely.



The main character Rebecca (Becky) Bloomwood, a financial journalist, loved to shop anything & everything has a job of telling people how to manage their money but not herself, resulted in debt.
She tried cutting back of the expenditures which didn’t work because of the shopping.
She also tried in making more money but didn’t know where to start.
Her only consolation was to buy herself something . . . just a little something.

Becky was clueless about saving & came up with some crazy schemes to make extra money which were funny. Her character was portrayed well and I liked her with the flaws.
I didn’t like Derek Smeath(Bank manager) in the movie but he appeared as a good one in the book.
And Luke Brandon in the movie was amazing than the book. I missed their scenes in the book.

My thoughts:
I watched the movie adaptation 5 years back & totally loved it but I didn’t know about the book then.
When I came to know about the book & Sophie kinsella is the author of it, I wanted to read it.I really didn’t want to compare the movie with the book but the movie was definitely better.(there.. I said it) I accept that it was my mistake to watch the movie before the book. So I was kinda expecting the scenes in the movie to appear in the book which disappointed me a little. The movie was like a fan fiction of the book.
When I think about it now after finishing the book, I liked it and very much enjoyed the story.
If you want to read a super fast and light, then this is the book for you. An enjoyable read!